- .@motherjones and I opted into auto-renewal because I know I am going to want more in 2013 and beyond. Thanks for excellent journalism. #
- .@motherjones Last year I was pissed @ u 4 your initial #OWS coverage. But you've more than redeemed yourselves. Just bought subscription <3 #
- .@donamo when will it air? RT “@danamo: listening to more #DonnaSummer getting ready to go to CNN to speak about her.†#
- "If you're not having fun in the world you created, then you fucked something up and did it wrong." - Deadmau5 #
- .@laurenthedark TY for sharing this "@ZenEssentials: "If you light a lamp for someone else it will also brighten your path." ~ Buddha†#
- Want! RT @VictorBalta: Uhh, where's mine? RT @GranholmTWR: Exec producer @markberniker models his #TheWarRoom schwag: #
- .@laurenthedark Check out #socialcurationsummit I'm on the DIY Communities panel. U shd speak re: upended! Info: #
- I submitted to be a panelist during "Cut and Paste: Inspiration for DIY Communities" session at the #socialcurationsummit cc @mediabistro #
- I never thought I would be so happy cleaning out my fridge in prep for this home study. I hate cleaning my fridge. But here I am smiling. #
- Happy all these rappers are publicly announcing support for gay marriage. Even better = public donation to GLBTQ orgs. Put $ where mouth is. #
- She will be between 13 - 18, will know very soon. RT @LaToyaReports @dcap Nice! How old is your daughter? #
- My focus this summer: 1) getting my daughter/finishing adoption placement 2) completing my creative + social justice projects 3) having fun #
- One of my fav things to do is walk in silence on empty NYC streets RT “@BonafideRojas: St. Marks is beautifully quiet right now.†#
- Awesome! I will hit you up then + emailing you something tomorrow RT “@hardlynormal: @dcap I'm there for #140conf June 17th or so†#
- I think some ppl need 2 look up what "war" means because there isn't a war on straight marriage. If u don't like gay marriage, don't do it. #
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