- I am beyond excited to eat here. It's a supper club, BBQ joint and DISCO. (@ Sugarhill Supper Club) #
- +1 “@NYCMayorsOffice Mayor 2 #Cornell12 grads: if u haven’t found a job yet, yr better off coming 2 NYC than sitting on yr parents' couch.†#
- .@daughterphoenix Last thing: More & more established bloggers w/ a devoted audience are being recruited by news orgs, media entities. in reply to daughterphoenix #
- .@daughterphoenix Any aspiring journalist today has a better advantage if they can code & are interested in data journalism. in reply to daughterphoenix #
- .@daughterphoenix But it's a tough field even w a journalism degree. So self-educate, network, build clips, etc. But it's possible. (2/2) in reply to daughterphoenix #
- .@daughterphoenix Yes! People don't talk about it but there are many amazing working journalists who didn't major in journalism (1/2) in reply to daughterphoenix #
- lmfao “@WeirdHorse: West Philadelphia born and raised, on the hay ground was where I did most of my neighs†#
- THE BEST “@natashavc: Bob's Burgers is great.†#
- Is there a parody Tumblr out there giving passive/active voice advice? #pleasesayyes #
- I love how @corvida is here having a ball checking feedly while I watch The Ewok Adventure. AND she just edited my tweet. #geekbossmob #
- Just realized brother in The Ewok Adventure looks like a mini bratty bootleg version of Luke Skywalker :) Been over 10 yrs since I watched. #
- YouTube app on Google TV was acting weird :/ had to download RT “@ivanovitch: @dcap Why wait? I'm pretty sure it's on YouTube still!†#
- .@daughterphoenix He ruined you. U can't watch The Ewok Adventure, then Star Wars. That's like watching The Guild with no concept of MMORPG. in reply to daughterphoenix #
- .@daughterphoenix you can't just spring The Ewok Adventure on someone though. It requires the foreplay of Star Wars first. in reply to daughterphoenix #
- that moment when yr waiting for The Ewok Adventure to download & you remember how many ppl front like they hated ewoks in the '80s #stoplyin #
- best tweet award for today *hands over* RT “@maura: LOOKIN UP THE SKIRT OF THE NIGHT†#
- that moment when someone you met on twitter engages in texting with you & you know IRL lulz are imminent :D #yayfrenz #
- +1 “@hnigatu: You know how in movies/tv they make wine with the lady friends seem so awesome? IT'S BECAUSE IT IS.†#
- this honestly scared me for a sec, she doesn't appear to have a nose “@hnigatu: "sweet bitch" #classywine†#
- .@mathewi some small teams are synced enough to not need editors but generally keeping consistency across multiple verticals=need editors in reply to mathewi #
- works for some teams, not all RT “@mathewi: for those asking, blog posts at GigaOM are usually peer-edited, and in some cases back-edited†#
- LOL at how DEEP ppl r right now hating this track RT @VibeMagazine: Lil Wayne Disses Pusha T on 'Goulish' (Audio)†#
- ... This is what I want all of you to do: #justalittle #jokeyjoke #happyfriday #
- #FF my homie @jemaswad! He's the man behind the great content on @billboardbiz and always recommends great new artists. Hi, Jem! #
- Great list “@1Voice4Children: 14 Propaganda Techniques Corporate Media Uses to Brainwash Americans: #OWS € #
- TY. Life = complex. It's why I don't immediately judge ppl not involved in #ows Many factors at play “@davidhoang: @dcap A great focus!†#
- I made a choice: Focus on #fostercare adoption & my @poczineproject. I still support #ows but I've defined my priorities. No more marching #
- I no longer participate in #ows protests. I support #ows in other ways & I do see the value of direct action. But I'm not marching anymore. #
- Let's see if news orgs are "punk" enough to let data reveal hard truths “@danibertocchi: Data journalism the new punk†#
- I've been curating fledgling #startup and #entrepreneur resources on @pinterest. Check out my board, add links: #
- Help @UNICEF spread the word about #SahelNOW 1 Million+ children are suffering from severe malnutrition! #KloutForGood #
- I'm not being paid by @crumpler, btw. I have back issues & was looking for a good looking laptop backpack with support. +1 for Nhill Heist! #
- After 5 days of testing, I must say that my @crumpler Nhill Heist laptop backpack is incredible. Great for my back + looks great on me. #win #
- there's no earthly way of knowing/which direction we are going ... #
- lmao RT @ItsBadLuckBrian: Creates an imaginary girlfriend. Friendzoned. #
- awesome cc @thelampnyc “@Slate: Nine-year-old's lunch blog shames school into making changes:†#
- fun project :) “@AndruEdwards: I think I'm gonna have Alijah do a video diary this summer so he can look back on it and remember it!†#
- My #fostercare home study is June 4. After I pass it I can begin #adoption matching process. TY @adoptolderkids for all your support. #
- .@FreshDirect Example: You could partner with @donorschoose so supporters can seamlessly send groceries/supplies, teachers can request. in reply to FreshDirect #
- I remember when some of my journalist friends used to make fun of @thewebbyawards. They don't do that anymore. #disruption #
- Does @freshdirect have a program where people can buy groceries for homeless families? If not they should. #
- It never ceases to amaze me, the incredible people I find on Twitter. I <3 the transformative tidbits of knowledge I glean from my feed <3 #
- I want to hang out IRL. RT “@OhWonka: Oh, you wish you were a little bit taller? I bet you also wish you were a baller.†#
- for real doh “@OhWonka: Oh, you have a Macbook Pro and only use it for Facebook? You're so tech savvy, what a great investment.†#
- Such an a hole lmao “@OhWonka: Oh, your favorite movie is The Notebook? You're such a unique female specimen.†#
- lmaoooooo “@OhWonka: Bitches love chocolate factories.†#
- lmao #ow #laughs “@OhWonka: Oh, you took a picture with a Hooter's girl? You're such a ladies man.†#
- *crying laughter tears* “@OhWonka: Oh, you wear sunglasses at night? I bet the haters can't see you in them.†#
- lmfao “@OhWonka: Oh, you spend $50 on alcohol and $2 on Suave shampoo? You must take great care of yourself.†#
- lmao “@OhWonka: Oh, you get drunk and go on a texting spree? You must be a fan favorite at 3am.†#
- Sounds like there's a Bollywood-tinged rave happening outside my friend's apt in Bed-Stuy #ilovebrooklynsometimes #
- Infographic: Helpful resource/tips when considering landing page functionality & design #
- *shakes fist* ;) RT @ultraprison I just ousted @dcap as the mayor of The Young Turks Studios, Rebel Headquarters on @foursquare! #
- I'm torn over @freshdirect now delivering to BX. Convenient, yes, but small local businesses will suffer. #
- Good idea RT “@newsycombinator: Petition Obama adminstration to require free access to publicly funded research†#
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