- Much love to the dads who support their GLBTQ children & don't teach their kids homophobia. And much love to dads who are there consistently #
- :/ “@efrain_nieves: Abortion access for raped soldiers blocked by House GOP. #Latism #SoyRebelde†#
- Drinks and thinks with @corvida and @laurenthedark (@ The Clock Cafe & Martini Bar) #
- Broadcast news programs have "Wednesday's Child" component. Wish all news orgs online had a regularly updated #fostercare topic page #wjchat #
- .@fosteringmc Contacted U before + I'll saying it again: I agree it's critical for more journos & news sites cover #fostercare cc @wjchat #
- .@fosteringmc saw your #fostercare piece on @hellogiggles, u should share on #wjchat get more journos involved <3 #
- There is much factual evidence proving our immigration laws were warped over time 2 keep POC & other "undesirables" out of the US. #nerdland #
- We should stop calling the U.S. "the land of opportunity" if xenophobia cont 2 inform the legislation that dictates how that works #nerdland #
- People who try to police the content of my tweets are also wasting their time. Attempting to censor me is futile. Just unfollow me! Simple. #
- Honestly, if the only way you explore a complex topic is trolling twitter & refuse direct contact for a real convo, you are wasting my time. #
- .@starscream1978 There's no reason 2 @ reply us both. I'm not discussing this further on Twitter. I have offered # & email. Have a good day in reply to starscream1978 #
- .@lyneka @corvida @bennsu @laurenthedark historic day of meeting up w/ a bunch of friends w Twitter origins ;) TY @laurenthedark in reply to lyneka #
- .@InternQueen Yr not following me so I can't DM you. TY for clarifying. I didn't think it was a bad move if it was. Simply curious. :) #
- sponsored? “@InternQueen: Our community is obsessed w #MarshallsTJMaxx - a great place 2 go for affordable, fashionable workplace trends!†#
- I would put that on my resume “@TakePart: Girl Gets a Vein Made From Her Own Stem Cells†#
- LOL “@yayponies: "Gay people are so gay." My boss, the gayest gay to ever gay.†#
- .@Lizeeek Yeah? Cool! DM me yr # :D in reply to Lizeeek #
- Saw some pretty flowers while running an errand in Bed Stuy. I <3 it when I remember to notice quiet beauty. #brooklyn #
- .@laurenthedark @corvida LMFAO in reply to laurenthedark #
- .@laurenthedark Congrats!! That's so dope. cc @corvida in reply to laurenthedark #
- .@laurenthedark Oh, @corvida and I were reading your tweet about you speaking at Cooper Union & wanted details in reply to laurenthedark #
- .@laurenthedark ??? What were you talking about? What was this? We wanna know! cc @corvida in reply to laurenthedark #
- 2x“@dcap: [DONATED <3] Join me in helping make it happen for "Dear White People" @dearwhitepeople film on @indiegogo†#
- BK bound=Co-working in BK tomorrow, yayer. Dinner at Peaches Hothouse? Yes please. cc @corvida #
- Last one: "I don't see color" = publicly waving a flag promoting yr own ignorance, dismissing real issues in the world defined by inequality #
- "I don't see color" as judges, politicians, lobbyists & religious leaders = our country yesterday, today & tomorrow if this continues. #
- "I don't see color" (as a POC): I am trying not 2 hate my white friends for their stupid bullshit. I know my denial doesn't change anything. #
- "I don't see color" = bcuz if I did I would have 2 evaluate my choices as a white person & possibly confront my family & friends re: theirs. #
- "I don't see color" = I don't really know my POC friends bcuz I force them to limit their exchanges w me to topics that don't challenge me. #
- "I don't see color" = Pls stop talking about yr experiences as POC bcuz don't U see, I don't see how color affects anything + I'm OK w that. #
- "I don't see color" = I don't like to acknowledge to myself how white privilege plays a role in my life, which it does, as a white person. #
- "I don't see color" = Your experiences with oppression are invisible to me + discussing them makes me uncomfortable, so let's not go there. #
- "I don't see color/we are all humanity/I have a black friend/why rehashing old wounds/this (movie) is the real racism" etc. In 2012. (2/2) #
- Curious about how many ppl still feel about discussing race? Read the commentary in the "Dear White People" YouTube trailer comments. (1/2) #
- [DONATED <3] Join me in helping make it happen for "Dear White People" @dearwhitepeople film on @indiegogo #
- You can take the cat out of the box, but you can't take the box (loving tendencies) out of the cat. #realcattalk #
- .@corvida LMAO xo in reply to corvida #
- I offer my #, my email and other methods to discuss difficult topics that don't always translate well on Twitter. Please respect that. (2/2) #
- NOTICE: If you @ reply me w a question that I don't think can be effectively discussed on Twitter, I will offer an alt. contact method (1/2) #
- I tweet about my life + interests as a media professional, personal stuff, politics, race and my journey adopting from foster care. (2/2) #
- Wow, I have like 100 new followers. This is a first for me (new follower burst count). Hi and welcome ... (1/2) #
- .@JamesHGannon Behringer: U-CONTROL UMX610! Got it on eBay. in reply to JamesHGannon #
- I'm so excited about getting my red piano (keyboard setup) this Friday. I can't wait. This is one of those self-care things. #
- Oh man! One of the best parts of reading for me is following up online on the notes I take while reading. It's like a treasure hunt. <3 #
- .@ShainaMBA Congrats! If you're in town (NYC) next week, DM me if you'd like to meet up for a drink. in reply to ShainaMBA #
- Thanks :) It's what I wish someone had told me. But I figured it out eventually. “@TWalk: @dcap Love it - great advice.†#
- .@ShainaMBA Woe, that was so long ago, right? :) I hope my advice was helpful & that yr doing well. in reply to ShainaMBA #
- I often give my biz card out 2 teens I meet. Some call/email. Most don't. But I always reply 2 those who reach out + I respect their hustle. #
- I also told her to not get into a habit of settling, because that habit is harder to break as an adult. Aim VERY high & do the work. #
- The schools you want to attend, scholarship opportunities, & things you can do now to hone your talents & abilities. She got it. (2/2) #
- Earlier this week I gave this advice to a student who asked me 4 career guidance: spend as much time as you do on Facebook researching (1/2) #
- :) <3 @corvida just FaceTimed me from the airport in Sydney. She's coming back, U.S.! I'm so proud of her #xmedialab talk + adventures. #
- I don't know how I am going to use my @RebelMouse page yet but I am enjoying playing around with the features. #
- Hey, Twitterz. Check out mah page: #
- I give 0 fucks about losing Twitter followers when I speak my mind. I'd rather lose "fans" than let others speak for me. Enjoy yr day *gone* #
- #nowplaying LAURYN HILL - LOST ONES #
- AGAIN: Go back in my feed. There is my #. If YOU ever really want to have an honest, respectful discussion about race, the door is open. TY. #
- What u just saw is a tiny microcosm of why white privilege + racial inequality persists. Ppl (all bkgrnds) don't really want 2 talk about it #
- Twitter gangstas are some hilarious shit. #
- .@aubreysitterson your ass is showing. keep putting words in my mouth, avoiding direct contact + making assumptions. have a nice day. in reply to aubreysitterson #
- .@aubreysitterson U clearly don't want 2 have a real conversation w/ me, I respectfully bid you adieu, so what u are doing now=really shitty #
- .@aubreysitterson Are U going to keep doing this or are U going 2 act like an adult? Seriously, either call or shut up. I can't respect this in reply to aubreysitterson #
- So, now U all have it. My number. You are ALL welcome, truly, to call if U ever want to have a respectful conversation about race. U=invited #
- You want to know why I can freely give my # out on Twitter? Because most people really don't want to have an honest discussion about race. #
- .@aubreysitterson :) You are so funny, how what you think you did just now was a "conversation." Seriously, good luck, take care. in reply to aubreysitterson #
- .@aubreysitterson My response that I didn't want to play that game on Twitter wasn't "super hard." It was my preference. Why I shared my #. in reply to aubreysitterson #
- .@aubreysitterson perhaps to get clarity? u assume i would yell. u are wrong. u don't know me. as a community manager, u should know better. in reply to aubreysitterson #
- .@aubreysitterson But lucky for you, Twitter makes it convenient for you to charge into my convo and "yell" at me. No call? Safe travels! in reply to aubreysitterson #
- .@aubreysitterson I'll be awaiting your call. Better yet, let's meet & chat. Ball is in your court. #
- .@aubreysitterson Wow. If u truly want 2 have a conversation about this, give me a call. 917-575-3508. Otherwise, don't come at me like that in reply to aubreysitterson #
- .@aubreysitterson What's truly distressing is people compartmentalizing the factors instead of seeing how they are intertwined. in reply to aubreysitterson #
- .@aubreysitterson "Least distressing"? It's ALL distressing. I'm not playing that game, thanks. in reply to aubreysitterson #
- That's it for today. I'm just sick of this toxic lie that white is better than anything else continuing to tip the scales of justice. #
- I'm not afraid of losing my job or friends or networks because I freely talk about race, justice and equality. I have all that BECAUSE I do. #
- The people offended by discussions about white privilege are the people who don't like the status quo altered. Many white allies agree. #
- But thanks for alerting me to the fact that you're unable to parse information. Good to know. (2/2) #
- I received a DM saying "white people aren't the only ones committing crimes." No shit, really? I didn't know that. (1/2) #
- And if you're reading my tweets & offended by me talking about white privilege and how it informs our justice system, I DO NOT CARE. #
- So I have NO PROBLEM talking about how whiteness continues to protect sick people who exploit children of color. NO PROBLEM AT ALL. 2/2 #
- It wasn't so long ago (still happens today) that U could hang a black man even for being suspected of looking at a white woman. So yes 1/2 #
- The Sandusky investigation & trial is a paradigm of how white privilege continues 2 protect criminals of all shapes & sizes. It has to stop. #
- What insane world do we live in where grown men get 2 shower with children on a college campus, get caught, and don't get fired? A white one #
- EXACTLY. Sandusky's lawyers are parasites. RT @shananaomi the defense strategy on this case is so offensive. #
- The Sandusky trial is NOT "a witch hunt." It is a monster hunt that has come 15 years too late. Because people knew. And they protected him. #
- There are people in this country who view Trayvon Martin as a suspect & Sandusky as a hero. My fellow Americans, we have work to do. #
- There is nothing wrong with being a white person. There is something very wrong with whiteness as a symbol of integrity protecting Sandusky #
- I am frankly tired of how "white is right" protects rapists, wall street, racist media professionals and corrupt politicians. #
- It's easier to believe a white man is now being exploited for money by greedy former youth than to believe a white man would rape children. #
- If Sandusky had raped any Penn State officials' children, this would be a whole other case. But he didn't. He chose his victims for a reason #
- Anyone watching this case who doesn't see how white privilege kept Sandusky safe to rape children is living in a world I never want to visit #
- Sandusky manipulated and severely abused vulnerable poor and POC boys who came to him for help. This whole case stinks of white privilege. #
- Let's be real here: if Sandusky was black or another POC, he would never have accumulated so many victims w/out MANY people reporting him. #
- “We believe these young men have financial incentives.†Really? All 8 men set to testify are fine with lying about being raped by a man? #
- "What did you do today, dad?" "I went to court & regurgitated lies + blamed victims for their abuse to help a child rapist avoid prison." #
- Everyone has the right to a fair trial but there's a special place in hell for the lawyers who agreed to defend Sandusky. They had a choice. #
- brave “@ProducerMatthew: Teenager who kickstarted Sandusky child rape investigation 'ready' to testify -†#
- .@therealhennessy when I watch your videos I laugh so hard, a light goes on, & all the ugly feelings melt away. Thanks (2/2) in reply to therealhennessy #
- .@therealhennessy there are days when I want to chop the world in the throat, & all the sycophantic privileged BS makes me sick but (1/2) #
- When I say "my" in relation to @POCZineProject organizers, I mean like "my family," not like they're "mine." No one could own them :) #
- I am so damn proud of what my @poczineproject organizers and I are planning for this fall. Creating culture. Spreading love. #
- My point is that a flashy resume, a few recommendations from VPs & knowing buzzwords doesn't tell the whole story. #
- Some people are really good at tricking those in power (who settle for mediocrity) into thinking they know what they're talking about. #
- Just bcuz they had experience in the exact job yr hiring 4 doesn't mean they were ever any good at it. A good manager can detect B.S. (3/3) #
- A truly good manager knows how to interview, how to see through the buzzwords, how to ask the right questions. (2/3) #
- Just because someone has the "right" companies on their resume doesn't mean they know what they're doing. (1/2) #
- Finished some research 4 a client. Checked in with my adoption agency. Made mini organic turkey burgers. Hella boss moves. I miss @corvida! #
- I like to approach Mondays with a zany Friday energy. So like Monday in drag? #
- eek RT @corvida @dcap *ahem* have you gone to see Prometheus without me? #
- I believe .. yup. It's time for popsicles and a Spongebob marathon. #yayer #goodnight #
- .@deepakchopra "God in drag." I <3 it when I meet ppl who give me that energy. Loving, beautiful people who aren't afraid to ask questions. #
- "God in drag." I love this. RT @DeepakChopra @progresstinator All refers to the diabolical within our own self . Btw Im God in drag-like you #
- Now off my bucket list: "Walk through the meadow in Prospect Park." Done. It was beautiful. I will go back there again & again & again .. #
- I <3 it so much, I also bought it :) “@minchovega @dcap the family owns it, 1 of best docs about Latin America. It was only $20 online 2!†#
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