- Happy tears behind my sunglasses at @alabama_shakes set at @summerstage #
- Can't wait for @alabama_shakes! (@ Central Park - The Bandshell) #
- Gonna watch Battle Royale again with @corvida. I can't imagine ever being with someone who didn't enjoy watching & discussing movies. #
- Interesting! TY for sharing this. “@ProducerMatthew: Vatican hires American journalist to help media relations -†#
- .@critiques4geeks Cool! I'll be meeting up with @Jewyorican and @corvida and bringing my sister from cali! Let's all connect. :D in reply to critiques4geeks #
- I don't understand it when people attempt to belittle or censor my passion about something. It's not cool 2 not care. I'm glad I give a fuck #
- .@Idit @aburak xD in reply to Idit #
- .@JuddApatow I do the same thing. My media consumption level is insane. But I still manage to function so it's all good :) in reply to JuddApatow #
- I'm going to see @Alabama_Shakes tomorrow at @Summerstage. For free! I <3 NYC so, 8 years later & it all feels like my living room. #
- Everyone is @ a mermaid parade or a beach & I'm like sheeit y'all, my couch feels gooder than hell. Squidbillies then tonight I'll go out :) #
- spongebob here “@mensahdemary: saturday morning cartoons with Transformers on Netflix†#
- Up all night watching Fellini Satyricon = feel like I inhaled hella bath salts. #
- Debauchery ftw @GetGlue #FelliniSatyricon #
- Just watched The Christine Jorgensen Story on Netflix. I've been watching many docs about trans identity lately. #
- thanks chica <3 “@goodglobalcitiz: FF some my fav smart women: @thesciencebabe @dcap @Dayna_Dion @collazoprojects @wendycarrillo @pnemcova†#
- "The word 'trans' implies a broad spectrum of identities through which we pass, thousands of them perhaps" - Gendernauts doc #
- .@shananaomi this one is pretty good #
- .@shananaomi there's plenty of stuff re: her winning the Pulitzer for it but I haven't seen any bts profiles w/her commentary. in reply to shananaomi #
- .@sganim You are an inspiration. As a media professional and abuse survivor, I thank you for your professionalism and courage. #Sandusky #
- Let #Sandusky be a lesson that white pedophiles can't rape black/poc boys w/out eventually being caught. Whiteness won't always save you. #
- #Sandusky verdict=hopefully serve as lesson 4 other pedophiles who think they will never be caught. It may take yrs but your time will come. #
- And why I say it's over, I mean the speculation can end now. #Sandusky was deemed guilty by a jury. But the healing process is far from over #
- #Sandusky is guilty! 442 yrs wd be max. 10 accusers+his own son. It's over. There is some justice in the world. Thoughts with his victims. #
- #Sandusky #039;s depravity extended beyond the 10+ victims to his own adopted son. If he's acquitted/walks away from this ... I just can't. #
- Even #Sandusky #039;s adopted son came forward and said he had been abused, a fact that the jury didn't know about since it's recent info. #
- You betcher butt I'm waiting for the Jerry Sandusky verdict. All digital channels pointed to this topic. Will be announced in 20 min or so. #
- I'm going to the "She Shall Lead Idea Hackathon" via @eventbrite #
- .@jewyorican is such a cool mom. check out her post on @nbclatino: #
- Hi @richmhuff! Thanks for reading and sharing! I hope you're doing well. in reply to richmhuff #
- Catching up on episodes while waiting for editor feedback. I <3 this show! @GetGlue @BobsBurgersFOX #
- .@corvida @anjuan I agree 100%. My experience working in service industry as a teen, & relating 2 employees now, reinforces my high standard in reply to corvida #
- .@mitgc_cm Thanks for the #FF love! in reply to mitgc_cm #
- "You've got to be polite girl! You've got to be polite girl! Show a little respect to your father! Wait 'til your father gets home!" ;) #
- #nowplaying Bikini Kill - Suck My Left One #
- I'm working on a piece called "10 reasons why coding literacy should be a human right." Send me yr thoughts: #G4C12 #
- In case U missed it, check out my piece for @current on changing yr life through gameplay: Keep calm & play video games #
- if yr tweeting angrily - as if u lost a limb - about surface right now I am unfollowing u. getdafuqoutahere w yr 1st world problem bullshit. #
- Anyone who is an expat in Egypt and sees the death and unrest as "not a lot," welp... #privilege #
- An expat's POV RT @maraegypt: What's happening in #Egypt ? Honestly? Not a lot! #
- It's interesting to read the completely contradictory tweets from expats in Egypt who work in tourism. They're like "It's all good!" dafuq #
- Someone tweeted about chips. Below them, someone else tweeted about salsa. Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie is sending me messages y'all. #
- Love that @ThatKevinSmith is in this doc "Bear Nation," totally cool with being a sex object/admired by bears & in Bear Magazine. <3 #GLBTQ #
- lmfao takes me back #OGAvidEditor “@AvidEditor_Hulk: HULK NEED CUTAWAYS. HULK NEED CUTAWAYS! SMASHING IMMINENT. #filmschool101 #broll†#
- TY! RT @amichetti: This is cool. Something for everyone here. Esp interested in # 5: #Gaming to be a better you. #G4C12 #
- Da bears. <3 I like that Netflix uses the word "hirsute" to describe this film. @GetGlue #BearNation #
- Netflix can be kind of unpredictable though, like a drunk friend who blurts weird things. No, chica. Antichrist is NOT like Born in Flames. #
- I think the Netflix app is mad at me for temp switching to Amazon Prime :/ I'm sorry baby it didn't mean anything & I'm back now. #
- Wow. Amazon Prime and Google TV is the worst streaming combo I've ever experienced. Can't even access instant videos now. Back to Netflix. #
- Here it is yoozguise: Keep calm & play video games: 5 ways to level up your life through gameplay cc @G4C #G4C12 #
- Here it is yoozguise: Keep calm & play video games: 5 ways to level up your life through gameplay cc @G4C #G4C12 @Idit #
- Shameless plug tweet: I have a few #G4C12 pieces rolling out on @current over the next few days. I'll share link to 1st one later today. #
- I know! “@iamwhitneygayle: Why do people jump onto a closing elevator and say sorry upon entering when they don't really mean it?†#
- Mad race in cab from BK to BX. Must beat the heat. Game on, sun, you shiny torturous mofo. #
- .@alexkehayias Hi there! I'm looking for a programming mentor & heard U can assist. I would appreciate any support: TY #
- I used to love @bushwickbk so much, I even wrote for them a few times just for fun :) #
- .@bushwickbk was a great example of a community blog that turned into a huge resource. sad that it's on indefinite hiatus. #
- .@nytlev's Virtual Assignment Desk and Open Assignments initiative had potential but it's rarely updated. It's not yet a true community blog #
- so excited!! “@lynneluvah: This reading rainbow app that levarburton is talking about on jimmyfallon looks awesome†#
- I hit bottom in 8 days. See how long you last at #G4C12 #
- Don't measure yr self worth through the eyes of employers. Yes, factor in their input, but don't believe everything yr told. Know yourself. #
- (2/2) As, broadband access for all is critical 2 coding literacy. I'm arguing that US Ignite shd prioritize access for public schools #G4C12 #
- Would <3 to hear more from folks re: Obama's US Ignite initiative + Broadband Deployment on Federal Property working group (1/2) #G4C12 #
- .@TahnjaWilson Hi there! I'd like to interview you today for a #G4C12 piece I'm doing for @current. For details: TY in reply to TahnjaWilson #
- FREE EVENT: @HiveLearningNYC Summer Code Party Pop-Up with Tumblr and Mozilla 6/30: #
- LOL “@Papapishu: @dcap For some reason I'm imagining some skaterat boyfriend averting his gaze and walking away like Lot.†#
- .@PaulCantor Ah, ok. I feel you. in reply to PaulCantor #
- Some NYU girl just ran her skateboard into my ankle. She looked into my eyes & turned into a pillar of salt #
- Word, neither do mine. Mine=chicanas, rude filmmakers, scifi ppl “@PaulCantor: @dcap "most of my heroes don't appear on no stamp"- chuck d†#
- most of the ppl I look up 2 have been dead for a min “@PaulCantor: Does anyone look up to anyone anymore? Or is it all, hey, look at me!!!†#
- Found outlet at #G4C12 to charge my phone. Success! Brain is on fire. Thanks everyone for the stimulating debate, discussion. Rad keynote. #
- 2/2 Schools like Quest2Learn that incorporate gaming shd be the standard for public schools if we want to compete in global economy #G4C12 #
- I changed learning process by graduating from HS early; traditional schooling didn't work 4 me. Gaming in schools=huge potential 1/2 #G4C12 #
- I agree w @nolanbushnell: empowering young people 2B lifelong learners=critical. Potential for gameplay in schools to cultivate this #g4c12 #
- “Myth: All kids should go to college." - @nolanbushnell - check out :) #g4c12 #
- .@NolanBushnell: "A pause button is not interactivity," questions effectiveness of passive teaching #G4C12 #
- .@nolanbushnell decries myth (which Bloomberg has pushed as answer) that training&hiring good teachers 4 bigger classrooms will work #G4C12 #
- .@G4C Oh thanks! I don't want to lose my seat & keynote is starting soon ... :) aaaaaahhh! I'll keep going until it dies. Will charge after. in reply to G4C #
- I hope you've enjoyed my #g4c12 tweets. Phone is about to die. Keynote is next. Brain leaks aka articles digging deeper ... coming soon :) #
- .@NYCDoITT NYC Open Data, @G4C and @storycode shd partner on immersive gaming projects for NYC youth re: real issues affecting them #g4c12 #
- .@snicholson shares how libraries have a history of engaging people with games, as service providers #g4c12 #
- .@snicholson explains important role librarians have/can have in your game distribution strategy. Find allies #g4c12 #
- .@snicholson now talking about games in libraries. Perfect fit to me; in summer there are often few free spaces for low income youth. #g4c12 #
- Seeing so many cisgender based games makes me wonder how gameplay could benefit trans youth dealing w bullying, self care #g4c12 #
- .@PixelAcademy on inspiring creativity with youth on gameplay projects: "Be a role model for silly" #G4C12 :D #
- .@PixelAcademy and @PujaDesari: "Provide kids access with real people if you don't know the answer yourself" on empowering youth #G4C12 #
- Crowd: Is there a site that aggregates free online & mobile games that can/do enhance teachers lessons plans? #g4c12 #
- I am 100% sure I would have been more interested in science as a kid if we had option 2 explore concepts via gameplay :) #g4c12 #wondermind #
- I would like 2 see collaborations between @G4C and @storycode re: immersive educational gameplay for NYC public school classrooms #g4c12 #
- .@sharnajackson on #Wondermind "We wanted the kids to play through science, rather than it being explained through text" #g4c12 #
- #wondermind intros kids to intersection of neuroscience/art w Alice in Wonderland-like themes #g4c12 #
- .@G4C @greenghoulie Thanks for producing such an immersive, fun & educational event. My fav in NYC! in reply to G4C #
- .@ranarama: "you need 2 design live gameplay experiences that are robust 4 players & audience" on dynamics of play in cultural spaces #g4c12 #
- .@ranarama: "Look at the space you have as a design platform" on live gameplay development, how physical factors inform #g4c12 #
- Now at #G4C12 Games & Cultural Spaces, a series of talks covering intersection of games & cultural settings. Power of live games next. #
- Often tech that NYC kids carry in pockets is better than tech in the classroom. How to ethically leverage that to enhance learning? #g4c12 #
- I would like to learn more about how to scale game based learning in schools where tech is limited. Access is critical #g4c12 #
- I used a texting game 2 teach a web design class in Harlem in '10. It went well but my mistake was assuming all kids had phones 1/2 #g4c12 #
- +1 :D “@TahnjaWilson: @dcap #g4c12 Hey, not a NYC teacher but have used games to augment my curriculum and those of others. Hand raised!†#
- Excited about talk at 4:15pm ET - how youth across the country are using gaming to engage in solving social/scientific problems #g4c12 #
- Would love to see a panel w NYC teachers sharing how they use games for change to augment lesson plan #g4c12 #
- Would be great if Bloomberg made tech more accessible in all P.S. classrooms, then games for change wd be a tool 4 NYC youth #access #g4c12 #
- What I'm hoping 2 learn more about is how games for change are/can be leveraged to address digital divide with POC & low income youth #g4c12 #
- #thisisnotagame - how familiar story functions make gameplay w/in an experiential framework accessible #g4c12 (morphology of the folk tale) #
- #thisisnotagame - how positive aspects of failing in a game inform exploration, learning & empathy #g4c12 #
- 2/2 many poc kids in US deal w death in their community w/out therapeutic services. Cd #thend potential tool to facilitate healing? #g4c12 #
- Intrigued by a game that explores death. Wd #thend be relevant for POC kids in areas where police brutality/murder the norm? 1/2 #g4c12 #
- .@philstuart leading next case study for #thend a game for 14-19 yr olds to explore philosophical questions, death #g4c12 #
- #sweatshop game should be required component at design/fashion programs :) #g4c12 cc @thenewschool #
- Interesting. #sweatshop game mechanics reward you for exploiting workers but then u see human cost. Reminds me of Sims gameplay. #g4c12 #
- #sweatshop game trailer reminded me of Cafe Waitress. Kids play "tough job" RPGs, so how to connect IRL action/activism to gameplay? #g4c12 #
- #Sweatshop case study by @SimonParkin live now, watch here: #g4c12 #
- Interesting to hear how #realityendshere players manipulated the game framework via card banking, tribalism to meet collective goals #g4c12 #
- .@remotedevice explains IRL flags functioned as ambient clues on campus for #RealityEndsHere alt reality game #G4C12 #
- Next up at #G4C12 Reality Ends Here case study - alt reality game at a leading media arts school. Jeff Watson & Tracy Fullerton from USC. #
- Headed to #g4c12 Looking forward to learning more about intersection of gaming + the election/women's rights/food justice. Will live tweet. #
- The Wire. Every night. No shame. #
- Cooking grilled chicken and brown rice. Thinking about my next moves in biz and in life. But for now just enjoying the bubbling sounds. #
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