- <3 (@ Peaches Hothouse w/ 2 others) #
- Walked past several inflatable sidewalk pools, kids with water guns. I <3 Brooklyn in the summer. #
- Going on a photo walk with my sis and @corvida in BK. It will be my seeeeester's 1st time walking across the BK bridge :D #
- Gross “@AnaKasparian: No respect for this guy: Romney: Students Should Get ‘As Much Education As They Can Afford’" #
- Took my sister and her brother to Forbidden Planet, I bought way too many comics #guilty #happy #
- Tumblr party! (@ DCTV) #
- Since @nytimes is pulling from The Local, wd B cool if they devoted more resources 2 covering foster care/raise awareness. Their hub=mad old #
- 2/2 Fort Greene edition of The Local was never good at IRL community & guest blogger partnerships. It isn't a relevant blog, unfortunately. #
- I'm not surprised @nytimes is pulling out of The Local. The Fort Greene edition was pretty awful & there's no excuse, that nabe rocks. 1/2 #
- new fave fake twitter <3 “@FriendFromHS: PHEW NORTH CAROLINA SAVED DA SANCKITY OF MARRIAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!†#
- LOL “@jenstatsky: We get it, restaurants: you're all competing to have the cleverest "Employees Must Wash Hands" sign.†#
- .@br TY again 4 speaking with me today re: my piece on women in the video game industry 4 @current. I'm looking forward to your feedback. #
- .@elonkadunin Thanks again for taking the time to speak with me today! You are a very inspiring individual. #
- #nowplaying Stereolab - Les Bon Bons Des Raisons #
- Compiling notes, eating couscous from North African spot in BX and listening to Ladytron #multitaskingftw #
- SUPER excited 2 include insights/tips from @Corrinne in my upcoming women in video games piece for @current. She'll be at @geekgirlcon! #
- TY! :D RT @xMattieBrice RT @sparklebliss: Help @dcap find women of color to interview for a guide to the game industry: #
- If ever I needed proof of the power of social media to inform and enhance journalism, my latest project is it. I'll do a recap soon. #
- Excited to speak with Alyson Szymanski at @HaloWaypoint, @ElonkaDunin and others today for my women in video games piece for @current :) #
- .@mattlipan Thanks! Yes, it's funny how a simple interchanging of characters in a hashtag can result in a bunch of new info :) in reply to mattlipan #
- .@digitalmiss :) sent you a message via your website contact form last night. in reply to digitalmiss #
- Part of my daily research as a media pro and geeky artist is to fall down the rabbit hole that is @Tumblr for a while. #
- .@_Eventifier_ I only see some photos. Where are the event tweets? I still prefer Storify. in reply to _Eventifier_ #
- Cyborg chimp kills human! @GetGlue #TheLawnmowerMan #
- If you emailed me within the last few hours re: my piece for @current, TY. I will respond to those emails first thing tomorrow AM. #
- LOL @ Limbaugh & other geniuses threatening to go to Costa Rica or Canada over Obamacare. LOL #
- .@digitalmiss :) I'll be emailing you shortly in reply to digitalmiss #
- Did a ton of interviews today, among other things. My sister is watching "How the Universe Works" & my brain just exploded. Signing off now. #
- .@gamegrl33 Great! Thank you. in reply to gamegrl33 #
- .@laurenthedark Getting you several libations next week, thank you. Let me know time/place :) (after 7pm works best for me) in reply to laurenthedark #
- For those curious, I'm creating a @current mini guide for girls/women looking to pivot into the video game industry and succeed. Stay tuned. #
- .@nyankobrulee Hi! I want 2 speak w more POC females who R video game producers, designers, QA folks, etc. Email: in reply to nyankobrulee #
- .@gamegrl33 TY! I want 2 speak w more POC females who R video game producers, designers, QA folks, etc. Email: in reply to gamegrl33 #
- Really enjoyed speaking w @sandechen, WGA Award+Grammy-nominated Writer + Game Designer, for my piece on women in video games for @current. #
- I do have to say though that if you're a company on Twitter it's kinda weird to not accept questions about your company via Twitter. #
- Will do, thanks. RT @Portable Email your questions to! in reply to Portable #
- POC women who work IRL in the video game industry RT @MissWasserman @dcap @current are U looking 4 main characters who R female & of color? #
- Still looking 4 women of color in video games 4 my next piece 4 @current. Want 2 make sure I speak w POC. Pls RT: #
- Just had an incredible conversation w @amyjokim re: what girls/women need to do to be successful in video games industry for @current piece. #
- TY! RT @Krochmal @dcap @Brett @critiques4geeks I quoted U in #Storify "@SMNNY's #WomenLead Opener @Ogilvy" at TY! #
- .@heavenrants :) not until i have some nice guns/can give tickets to the gun show. but yes they are coming soon! reward for healthy choices. in reply to heavenrants #
- re: tattoo debate - some of most brilliant+successful ppl I know have plenty of ink. I have a back piece. Getting sleeves. It's all relative #
- .@cnnireport I find it odd when media ppl who find themselves unemployed see it as static + complain about paying taxes that help everyone. in reply to cnnireport #
- @portable Hi there, will you be offering any scholarships to low-income students + industry interns to attend the curators conference? #
- Hi to new followers who found me thru #womenlead I tweet about @poczineproject, adoption, tech+social media, inequality & rad misc. ish. #
- I used 2 get really upset when ppl misjudged me or trivialized my accomplishments but then I turned 30 & said U know what fuck it. I'm rad. #
- Kids: when ppl "hate" on you, find the "gold" in that. Sometimes there's a kernel of truth/wisdom. But opinions are like assholes u know 2/2 #
- If I truly cared what small minded guys (or women) thought, I wouldn't be living the awesome life I am living today. 1/2 #
- There R men (peers) who support my work+there R men who harass me via email to express hate. Honestly, I only care about what I think of me. #
- OMG Awesome! <3 RT @theChrisDavila @dcap I'm going 2 do the same process next year, foster to adopt. Watching your updates on this closely! #
- I think my biggest challenge during this "adopting through foster care" process =dealing w the adults, not the kids. Return our call already #
- 2/2: However still boggles my mind that a social worker wd not respond when they know that a person wants 2 adopt a kid from their caseload. #
- Adopting from foster care 1/2: @adoptolderkids thankfully provided me w training to mentally deal w social workers not returning calls. #
- .@laurenthedark i don't know why this made me laugh hysterically but it did. i think i just really like the name. ty for sharing this! in reply to laurenthedark #
- I had a great time at #womenlead had to run with @corvida but I enjoyed all the panelists :) thank you #
- Great to finally hang w @jewyorican in person at #womenlead She's sitting by me after a year of strictly tweeting :) Nice to meet IRL #
- .@wordwhacker Nice to hear you speak as opposed to my first time where you were BTS at the Columbia workshop :) #womenlead in reply to wordwhacker #
- Hashtags are also like rabbit holes. Variations lead u 2 different locations ex: #wjchat = journos #jwchat = christians #womenlead #
- lol how would that work? Wd u say pound 1st? “@MissVersatile: Please don't use # whatever in verbal convo with me...I'm not 15 #Womenlead € #
- thanks chica “@laurenthedark: @dcap You should reach out to @elonkadunin. re: female video game developers.†#
- Ditto :) “@LeeBogner: Nice 2meetU @DCap ! RT @LeeBogner: Gr8 2meetU @ #womenlead hackathon @jewyorican Daniela Capistrano + Cyndi !!†#
- hi! “@StephCockerl: @dcap @Jewyorican Small world, isn't it? :) Watching both your tweets from #womenlead †#
- #womenlead (@ Ogilvy & Mather w/ 19 others) #
- I am still looking to speak with female video game QA freelancers, developers and artists: please RT! TY 2/2 #
- TY again 2 @avantgame Jane McGonigal 4 supporting my efforts 2 complete a video game industry mini guide for women+students on @current 1/2 #
- re: last night's comment about trolls, funny thing re: trolls/haters/lames is that real bosses don't have time 2 troll. 2 busy being awesome #
- I'm looking forward to attending #womenlead 2day with @jewyorican, @corvida and my sister who's in town from Cali :D #
- I hope @portable is offering access for some low-income students + interns at the curators conference and just hasn't announced it yet. #
- Seems like a no-brainer 2 me: If u can afford 2 let press attend yr event, u should provide 5-10 free passes 4 low-income students + interns #
- .@portable Hi there, will you be offering any scholarships to low-income students + industry interns to attend the curators conference? #
- Endless Canvas zine #1 3, 4 #bayarea #graffiti #
- Not exactly blowing lid off of anything by pointing out public facts. Trolls give me 2 much credit +truth makes some ppl mad. Why u mad son? #
- Dear male and female assholes who email me to tell me to shut up: No. #
- but it's worth it, if you succeed “@AnTagOnUs: Feel like people in NY gotta work 2wice as hard to accomplish their goals.†#
- Choose your future. Choose your life. @GetGlue #Trainspotting #
- My sister's here with her teen brother who is an actor. Teens are so cool man, I'm hopeful about the future. The kids, they're all right. #
- OMG I forgot about that!! :D RT @BowsandSparrows I miss the days when you could call POPCORN to find out the time. #
- #nowplaying Aretha Franklin Ft Lauryn Hill - A Rose Is Still A Rose #
- It is so gratifying and inspiring to speak with women who dare to live their dreams and who go out of their way to help others. <3 my job. #
- Just had 1 of the best interviews of my pro life w @hoppingfun re: women + video games + transmedia. Only beaten by intv w hero Rutger Hauer #
- .@krianbalma Glad you agree. Young people ask me this a lot so I wanted to put it out there again. in reply to krianbalma #
- re: previous tweet, don't be afraid of trying things U "don't know." life=experimenting, so demystify that unknown 4 yourself + enjoy it. #
- If U want 2 be a good curator + find work curating content & experiences 4 companies, start a curation project of your own. Learn by doing. #
- "You can't be any geek off the street. Gotta be handy with the steel, if you know what I mean. Earn your keep." #
- So much happening today: my sister arrives from CA for the 1st time, several interviews to handle, my apartment is gross/needs cleaning... #
- I'm so excited about the Flight+ & FlightTracker Pro apps! @corvida's review: #
- "I begin with an idea and it becomes something else" - Picasso = It's ok for your plan & execution to evolve from original strat. #
- .@SouthBronxUnite TY for RT! Full disclosure: I have tried FreshDirect before but now understand the issues. in reply to SouthBronxUnite #
- .@corvida is playing Plague for iPhone & is scaring me with her knack for infecting the world with deadly diseases. Over 75m people. Eeeks #
- .@CajunDave Oh I just read some of your tweets. You're 1 of those Obama & Jew hating racist trolls. And here we pass, strangers in the night in reply to CajunDave #
- @CajunDave I don't know what you're talking about but cool nose picking pic? Have a good night in reply to CajunDave #
- The news cycle is 90% an Aqua Teen Hunger Force joke paid to distract you from real issues many people are too afraid to write about. #
- "Oo giant sodas = enemy!" How about our gov can afford 2 serve healthy school food but we still allow Taco Bell +vending machines there. Yo! #
- "Oo giant sodas are the enemy!" How about Bloomberg giving FreshDirect Bronx waterfront land that was supposed 2 to be for community gardens #
- "Ooo giant sodas are the enemy!" How about ppl who pay farm pickers so low it's cheaper to buy junk food than the food they pick? #
- Something more alarming than 7-Eleven selling giant sodas is why poor people can only afford crappy food + why schools still serve crap food #
- lmfaoooooo I heart you cc @corvida RT @laurenthedark: Suck it, assholes. Pardon. #
- .@santagati yeah I was just clarifying for my imaginary followers. I know you feel me on this :) in reply to santagati #
- .@santagati I think you agree with what I'm saying but you're just saying it in a different way. in reply to santagati #
- .@santagati I know :) but in this case I'm speaking as a reader not a content creator/ad sales exec/etc. I tire of ppl selling mediocrity. in reply to santagati #
- If @motherjones had a paywall I would pay if they also fixed their awful mobile site & had a cool iPhone app. No doubt. #
- There's a reason I pay 4 print subscription 2 @motherjones & visit the site. They R so on their shit. More than made up 4 early #ows gaffes. #
- 2/2 meaning, if u have paywall, you better have some shit behind there worth my $. GOOD long form journalism + interactive. News is free. #
- Expecting people 2 pay 4 news is like expecting Fox News commenters 2 make sense. People pay 4 innovation not reformatted press releases 1/2 #
- Yup RT @everythinglibra: #Libras a have their own unique yet logical way of viewing the world and the people in it. #
- .@corvida just showed me the super secret settings in Tweetbot. Go go gadget girlfriend! #
- #buzzfeedbooks One Hundred Years Of Memes #
- About time RT @womensmediacntr: BREAKING: @Facebook Appoints @sherylsandberg to Board, Adding First Woman Director #
- After this summer I am no longer attending conferences where the entire speaker lineup is white or male. You bore me w your cluelessness. #
- Please don't say yr event/conference is open/diverse if u don't make it possible for at least some low-income ppl 2 attend. Stop fronting. #
- re: my previous tweet, elitism and class bias is so pervasive that many tech leaders are blind to their role in maintaining the status quo. #
- I don't get why all these tech conferences can afford 2 give expensive swag but not 2 give free passes for some low-income people to attend. #
- heehee “@bkbrains: only two spots left in The Art of Oral Sex: A Special Workshop with Babeland on 8.2:†#
- re: previous tweet, by bogus i mean lame. not anything you can't google or follow on twitter. shadowing a professional = real-world insights #
- you know ...many of the digital media workshops offered @ schools are pretty bogus. you can learn more by shadowing someone who has that job #
- #nowplaying AZEALIA BANKS - 212 FT. LAZY JAY #
- Nothing like a freak rainstorm in NYC to remind me to be humble. Walked around looking like I peed in my pants today. #
- Just had a great interview with Liz Buckley at @Majesco for my piece on how girls can succeed in the video game industry. Rad tips! #
- Regardless of what people say or do, you make a choice to let them make you feel inferior or not. That's in your control. Know your worth. #
- I need to speak to women who work in the video game industry for a @current story. RT + contact me! Thanks! #
- Rain, rain, go away. Don't come back another day ... or at least until the end of SUMMER because it's SUMMER in NYC, remember? #
- favorite g+ comment re: my coding-literacy piece: "this is a terribly written article." i've arrived, bitches. #
- wooooooord “@shananaomi: 20 minutes into #newsroom still waiting for an adult female to be called something other than "girl."†#
- hot “@mindykaling: Azealia Banks and Kitty Pryde are in juvie and Im the warden†#
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