- I'm really looking forward to attending and volunteering at the @APOConvergence event in New Orleans this week. <3 #
- I am going 2 make better use of my @twitter lists because I'm sad that I must unfollow more accounts in order to follow new ones. Hate that. #
- Mayhem before foster parent class. @GetGlue #PulpFiction #
- Please vote 4 my submission 2 @MozillaIgnite: Beyond 'Aging Out': MMOG For Foster Care Youth cc @corvida @drgoddess #
- Today I'm going to a teen panel organized by You Gotta Believe! where I will be able to hear available kids who want to be adopted. #
- Misleading hed “@The_Grindstone: Career Change? Journalist-Turned-Jewelry Designer Wendy Brandes Says, ‘Don’t Do It'†#
- :/ “@HLNTV: Live on HLN: George Zimmerman is out of jail after raising $20K in one day†#
- .@ramonapringle :) thanks DM or email me a time that works for you next week! <3 in reply to ramonapringle #
- Please vote 4 my submission 2 @MozillaIgnite: Beyond 'Aging Out': MMOG For Foster Care Youth cc @idit @ramonapringle #
- I'm finishing my @current mini guide for girls/women who want to succeed in the video game industry tonight. Can't wait to share it! #
- WHY isn't there a search bar on @Google's I/O 2012 site??? #
- #nowplaying Regina Spektor - Fidelity #
- I am really looking forward 2 going 2 New Orleans in a week. Counting down the days. Can't wait 2 connect w new allies for @poczineproject. #
- Never assume U know everything about a person's past/current actions from 1 phone convo+avoid emailing ppl based on incorrect assumptions. #
- My firework buddies #
- *cackles* RT @MattDentler "National media: please give us more web and insect puns in your 'Amazing Spider-Man' coverage." - no one anywhere #
- Edupunk: thinking and learning for yourself + a DIY attitude + building community + empowering others through learning/hands on activities. #
- re: previous texts, I know some great teachers + my sister is a teacher. But yeah, bad teachers from childhood inspired me 2 B an edupunk. #
- LOL She seriously needs an Adult Swim show homage to her crappy teaching. "Bad Teacher" RT @RealAdrianC @dcap haha seriously #
- I once had a teacher in elementary school tell me "you ask too many questions." That bitch was cray cray. #
- Great convo with Catherine Dinh at @LeapFrog 4 @current mini guide on how women can succeed in video game industry. Excited 2 wrap this up! #
- Enjoyed speaking w @TweetlessBex, Software Development Engineer in Test at Microsoft Game Studios. Check her out on @platformbiased podcast! #
- Speaking with folks from @us_ignite 2day for piece on ed-tech, high-speed broadband in public schools + digital divide. Connecting the dots. #
- Looking forward 2 speaking w Shana T. Bryant, Senior Associate Producer at @Capcom_Unity, today for the @current mini guide for girls/women. #
- lol yay! RT @jambajim had 1st "Ugh have 2 move cuz of alt side street parking" experience. That's right fools. I own a car now! #ReadyForLA #
- Saw this via @ckanal, congrats! :D RT @lheron Very happy to say that @elanazak is joining the @WSJ social media team. Welcome, Elana! #
- Looking forward to speaking with @libe_goad today for my @current mini guide for girls/women who want to succeed in the video game industry. #
- What time is it? Time to read all the graphic novels I bought and eat frozen grapes? Yes please. #
- I really hope that @thenewschool decides to release my transcripts. I simply want to continue my education; you'd think they'd support that. #
- re: previous tweet. I know how to play ... but I want to learn how to really <i>PLAY</i>. ya feel me. #wheresmyyoda #
- Sewwww ... any ladies/menz in NYC want to take me under their wing & teach me how to play video games? #iwannabedown #
- TY! RT @amycake5 Was intvd by @dcap 4 @current guide for girls/women looking 2 pivot in2 the video game industry. Will post a link soon :) #
- #nowplaying Aretha Franklin - Chain Of Fools *making a happy stanky face* #
- Looking forward to interviewing more ladies today for my mini guide for girls/women who want to succeed in the video game industry. #
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