- lmao! I love Twitter “@93Annmarie: 1-800-choke dat hoe†#
- .@moorehn I'm not watching the #olympics bcuz I'm having more fun watching people watch via Twitter and Facebook. I stay informed & amused. in reply to moorehn #
- .@moorehn I cut cable in '10 because there's not enough good content 2 make it worth my money. I get better online & for free, mostly. (1/2) in reply to moorehn #
- yup, cut mine in '10 “@moorehn: @palafo I'm not talking about yr story at all. I'm saying 2.5 million americans cut off cable in past 4yrs" #
- Mentally disturbed man in BX threw glass bottle in direction of my head, it smashed behind me. #wutareyougonnado #duck #
- In 2004, when I first arrived in NYC, I made a sign for myself that read "What is 24/7 creative?" #
- updating my iPhone apps, music & books is my new clearing out my purse. #
- So sad! My fave Sacto park! :/ “@mponto: Can't believe someone lit the McKinley Park playground on fire. #News10†#
- .@savasavasava that's a beautiful & haunting use of 140 characters. TY for sharing your dream. in reply to savasavasava #
- +1“@jilliancyork: "We as Americans should be embarrassed that [our closest Arab ally] is the most oppressive" by @ASE†#
- let's def do it monthly. we could invite others too! there's room. “@nextsteph: Thanks @dcap. Had a great time co-working yesterday.†#
- #nowplaying Gloria Estefan - Mi Tierra + making brunch. Happy weekend, y'all #
- <-i'll clarify: child blogger, on the golden wings of a fawning press, led to front 4 Urban Outfitters, a co that steals from artists & POC. #
- 2/2 Tavi/Rookie isn't an "oracle" 4 girls @nytimes - just girls who don't give a shit about Urban Outfitters' horrid exploitation of POC. #
- Rookie tour's corp sponsor is Urban Outfitters = Tavi + her ppl R fine w working w co's that steal from POC & promote #culturevulture BS 1/2 #
- Really? “@nytimesstyle: Tavi Gevinson: The Oracle of Girl World†#
- Ha! “@shannapreve: girl loses phone and a giant blow up house is the best they could come up with for #openingceremonies †#
- lmao “@SaraJBenincasa: You're welcome for hip-hop, England. Sincerely, someone who had nothing to do with it. #2012LondonOlympics € #
- I'm speaking at #SocialCurationSummit on 7/31 (DIY panel). Gonna talk about @POCZineProject + community engagement. #
- Co-working with @nextsteph today. We haven't done IRL stuff since BlogHer '09. Nice to connect in meatspace! #
- damn @feministhulk, you the shit. love your stream. keep smashing! in reply to feministhulk #
- Amazing #GetGlueHD #TheWoodmans #
- WOW. RT @ProducerMatthew Mark Zuckerberg: Sponsored stories generated $1 million in revenue daily, most from mobile #
- #nowplaying Nann N***a + thinking about @corvida, who rolls her eyes when I play this 5x in a row <3 #
- NEW YORK: I want someone to go see Pina 3D with me tonight at the IFC Center. If yr down, message me at daniela AT dcapmedia DOT com. #
- i confront my fears like an episode of 'intervention,' send them to a wellness center and they come back to me as opportunity and hope #
- #nowplaying The Foundations - Build Me Up Buttercup #
- y'all silly <3 RT @corvida LOL okaaaay :lil john voice: RT @JaneeTMB: @corvida meet me outside shawty. #
- .@emmacarew Will do, thank you! ^_^ in reply to emmacarew #
- Hi @emmacarew! Will you please add me to your #MediaDiversity list? I can answer any questions at dcapistrano AT current DOT com. Thank you! #
- Yesterday I listened 2 the @US_Ignite webcast & learned about I often let webcasts play in the background while I work #
- Reviewing the @poczineproject speaker proposal w @inzombia in a few. We're (POCZP) going on tour this fall w other rad folks :) I'm excited #
- Did you read my article about how the @barackobama administration is fueling the tech revolution? What did you think? #
- Helping out @currentspitzer folks today (@ Current TV New York Studios w/ @dmobley) #
- Just bcuz someone isn't acting HAM & keeps a smile on their face doesn't mean they aren't dealing w tough shit. Be kind, whenever possible. #
- <3 love this “@divalutionary: “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.†― Rumi†#
- Hi there! I'm @dcap, in NYC for 8 yrs but from Cali. I didn't like HS so I don't remember a mascot! ;) #journchat #
- An all I know, a tomato, a mosquito, my linguin-o - yeah! #MisheardLyrics #nirvana #
- lmao “@DJ_BPM513: "now urrrbody in the club eatin chips" #misheardlyrics € #
- Come on shake yo body baby do yo zoomba #MisheardLyrics #gloriaestefan #
- Your love is king, drowning in my heart/your love king, never will you fart #MisheardLyrics #
- Red red wine, stains close to me #MisheardLyrics #
- Riding my bike in NYC requires me 2 listen 2 my intuition just as much as the roar & flashing lights of the streets. Builds inner strength. #
- I sent a donation 2 @careyfuller 2 help her assist homeless youth: (donation button is further down on the right side) #
- Hostbusters - a team of renegade scientists take down D list celebrities #removeoneletterfilms #
- Like Wate for Chocolate - Valley Girl makes confusing signage at confectionary #removeoneletterfilms #
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