I am in California visiting family and friends until December 26th. Right now I'm waiting for my brother to get dressed so we can go shopping, so I decided to share something from inside the walls of the lair...
A few weeks ago I was attempting to watch a movie and relax after a long day, but The Stinky Cat would not stop attacking my face with his paws (playfully). I decided to beat him at his own game, so the battle for "most annoying couch game" was on.
I won.
PS: I haven't written an update on Joost since July, mostly because that was the last time I noticed anything interesting that wasn't just another "we added another channel!" update. Last week I decided that now that 2007 is almost over, I should pop by and see what else has happened...
Well, they added another channel. A quick scan of the Joost press area informed me that the NBA has just joined the ranks of networks and entities taking their slice of P2P video as far as it can go. The new channel will provide fans around the world with viewing access to “Instant Classic†NBA games and video highlight packages for the remainder of the 2007-08 NBA season. Personally, I was more interested in finding out if Squidbillies is now available on Joost, because I still haven't set up cable in my apartment and can only (right now) watch Adult Swim content on YouTube (it is available - yay!) ...My whole issue with Adult Swim not offering ad supported full length episodes of Squidbillies on their official site is a rant for another day. Talk about missing a huge opportunity! Anyway. Back to Joost. I pulled some screenshots as I went through my personal test in Joost and mentally noted all of my complaints. The Watching Joost Pool on Flickr is pretty inactive, but I added my shots there anyway. I'll share what I uncovered and my thoughts on specific features later in the week.Related Articles
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-----Original Message----- From: Joost Support [] Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2007 11:31 AM To: Capistrano, Daniela Subject: Now you can Read more
This entry is a test to see if the blogging tool within Joost is functional. Earlier today I tried to Read more
[youtube=] I am in California visiting family and friends until December 26th. Right now I'm waiting for my brother to Read more
I haven't been back to Cali since 2007, which was a wonderful visit but also very difficult. 2008 was great, Read more