
Explore Daniela Capistrano’s original writing and reporting.
[caption id="attachment_3105" align="alignright" width="300" caption=""][/caption] For the past few months I've been blogging daily at I'm adopting a teen from NYC's foster care system this year and I was having trouble finding an online resource where I could receive daily updates about adopting a teen from foster care, foster care system news and other relevant info. The title may seem a little profane, but it's actually a cheeky reference to the "Fuck Yeah" style of Tumblr blogs out there that focus on one specific topic or person. If you're obsessed with Angelina Jolie, cheese or house music, there's a "Fuck Yeah" Tumblr for it somewhere. Now, thanks to my ingenuity and impatience, there's a Tumblr out there all about adopting teenagers and it wasn't created by a pedobear! Yay! I've been having a lot of fun sharing what I've uncovered in my research and details about my experience navigating the foster care system (as a young professional chica who doesn't fit the usual image of what a foster parent looks like). Once in a while I'll cross-post here, but if you want to stay up to date on my progress as I teach myself how to be a great mom while I prepare for my teen daughter to enter my life -- and beyond -- follow
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