DCAP compendium: what’s happened so far in 2012, what’s to come
I'm constantly writing - just not on, it turns out. I've found that it's faster and more effective to connect with folks and access needed resources through my various social platforms - it works for me. And right now, with everything that is going on in my life, speed and ROI (investment being my time) is critical. Later in the year, after some of the things go down that I'm about to list in this post, I am going to turn back to my website and make some decisions:
1) What do I want to do with in 2013 and beyond?
2) How am I going to optimally incorporate blog posts and other content into my already active online networks elsewhere?
3) Where will end and begin (my in-progress business site)?
While I chew on these very important-to-me questions, here's a compendium of links that represent my endeavors this year and upcoming things I'm excited about:
DCAP LINKS COMPENDIUM POC Zine Project I founded the People of Color Zine Project in 2010. Since then, a rotating cast of volunteers and I have organized events, provided mentorship to POC creating zines and supplied mini grants to several POC who needed them for zine-related costs and travel. I also, through POCZP, successfully advocated for more visibility and inclusion for people of color who create their own publications, particularly those who make zines. Things really took off this year: - I scanned and shared the first "Race Riot" compilation as a free e-zine/download (with permission from the author). - My organizers and I successfully planned and booked (and are really excited to begin) the Race Riot! tour through twelve cities, kicking off in NYC on Sept 24 and ending back in NYC on Oct 7. - I successfully booked multiple paid speaking gigs on the tour route for POCZP to cover the costs of this 100% volunteer tour (big thanks in part to supporters who did email referrals). - I partnered with Carey Fuller through POCZP to work on a zines series by and for folks living at or below the poverty line. - I partnered with an amazing teen through POCZP to produce a zine series by and for black youth ages 15-25. - I coordinated a partnership between Mimi Thi Nguyen, POCZP and Lisa Darms at the Fayles Library at NYU to receive a donation of zines by people of color for their collection, which will be referenced in an upcoming book through Feminist Press. - I spoke about POC Zine Project and DIY community strategy at mediabistro's inaugural Social Curation Summit. - I went to Chicago in March with other POC Zine Project members to participate on a panel at Chicago Zine Fest ... but I had the flu and just managed the livestream details from a friend's guest room, snotty and barfy and miserable, then caught a plane to Cali for work. I don't want to give everything away right now, but next year is going to be huge for POC Zine Project. If you want to get a sense of what we're about, you can watch the archived video of our first MEET ME AT THE RACE RIOT panel held at Barnard in November of 2011: Ready for more! Yeah? OK, let's do this: STUFF DCAP THINKS = RAD Here's a misc. assortment of life events in 2012 that mean a lot to me. Since I've been bouncing between multiple physical journals where I usually record events like this, I actually was able to remember all this stuff by checking my Foursquare check-ins and Google calendar/s. Dorky but practical. Current TV Oh THAT! haha. My day job. The wonderful resource that pays me money to do work I usually enjoy, which keeps a roof over my head and food in my mouth while I work on all my other passion projects that (presently) don't pay me anything. THAT. Yes, there are a few things specifically related to Current that I'd like to note: - Switcheroo: This is what I am calling my new arrangement with Current that has worked really well this past year, so far. The short version of a very long story is that after willing the courage to negotiate for this, I now work from home most of the time - part time - so that I have extra time to do my activism and artsy stuff. I still have my benefits and 401k, which is a blessing. So far this arrangement seems to be mutually beneficial so I'll be perfectly fine if this continues in 2013. I am proud of myself for making this happen. Since February 2012, I've been Swing Producer, Digital Content & Community, at Current TV. This is a unique role and I came up with the title. - Travel: I've traveled for Current (if I'm counting correctly) three times in 2012 to support the launch of several new shows, along with other needs. Early this year I was in Los Angeles training the digital team for the Bill Press and Stephanie Miller shows (May), as well as managing the related site launches/loading content on the sites. I also traveled to San Francisco twice; first to additionally train and support the digital team for Jennifer Granholm's show (March), and then a few weeks ago (August) to be a "floor captain," supervising 12-18 people at a time during our RNC/DNC coverage. Normally, I would have blogged right here about all my work travel and experiences ... but not this year. I've been using every free moment to address POC Zine Project needs and to protect my sanity through self-care techniques, such as staying away from the computer, going for walks, playing videogames, reading, laughing with friends, etc. I didn't want to burn out and I knew I would do a recap later in the year anyway. Current TV has gone through many changes since I was hired as a staff member in November of 2010. What has not changed, and what I am grateful for, is the company's willingness to be flexible about my role in the company and the way that I get work. I'm not being forced to fit into some box. I really appreciate it and I think my work speaks for itself. - Clips on I did some writing this year, in addition to my other duties. Here are my favorite pieces that I pitched: Digital literacy in the US: 3 ways the Obama administration is fueling the tech revolution 'The Matrix is a system, Neo': Ten reasons coding literacy should be a human right Women in games: A mini guide to working and thriving in the video game industry - includes interviews with 18+ women in the industry Keep calm and play video games: 5 ways to level up your life through gameplay No matter where I work, I always find a way to continue to use my journalism skills and create pieces that I can feel proud of. I can confidently say that I love everything I wrote this year for I would read these pieces and appreciate them if someone forwarded them my way, and that's all that matters to me. It also doesn't hurt to have recent clips in my portfolio. DCAP LIFE EVENTS Here is a select assortment of things that happened this year in my personal life (not related to Current TV) that make me very happy: - DCAP Media LLC: I did work for a few clients this year under my business entity. I learned a lot from those experiences (good and bad) and will spend the rest of this year thinking about what DCAP Media will be in 2013 and beyond. What I'm most proud of is successfully attracting new clients and doing good work as a DIY/self-taught business woman ;) The big question now is ... what next? I dunno, I'm figuring it out. - Paper Tiger TV: Back in February, I moderated a panel on radical media for PTTV's 30th anniversary conference at The New School. - Alabama Shakes: I'm a huge fan of this band and I finally saw them live - FOR FREE - at Summerstage this past summer. It was amazing and I almost started crying when I realized that I was standing on a giant heart sticker the entire time. It just felt so significant at the time. - APOCalypse: In July I traveled to NOLA (New Orleans) for the first time to attend a convergence of radical anarchist/anti-authoritarian identified people of color. While I was there, I met many new friends and allies for POC Zine Project and experienced some very healing interactions. I left that event feeling clearer about how I want to live my life and what I want to do accomplish over the next few years. - Bmore Feminist BBQ: In August, I attended two sessions of the Baltimore Feminist BBQ Series. The first session was a fact-finding mission for me, since one of our POC Zine Project tour dates is in Baltimore. As a result of attending that event, I connected with the organizers and coordinated to speak about POC Zine Project at the next session. I came away from both events feeling very inspired, and the end result was that I found an ally in Sine, a member of the MOONROOT collective, who is helping us lock the details for both our Baltimore events. Up until August, I had never been to Baltimore so it was an enjoyable trip for multiple reasons. It reminded me how far I can go and what's possible by just getting a BoltBus ticket. - Sundance Screenwriters Lab: In early 2012 I applied for the lab. I found out on July 24, 2012 that I had made it to the second round. That gave me a few weeks to finish my feature length script to submit by the August 17 deadline. This was in the middle of some crazy personal life stuff, so I was VERY VERY VERY happy that I made the deadline and actually finished my script. It's done. DONE. I'll find out in December if I made it into the lab. That would be incredible, but the thing I am most proud of is actually finishing my script. - Geek cred: This isn't going to make sense to everyone but I am SO HAPPY that I now have a female friend who works at Forbidden Planet and actually wants to play videogames with me. I met her over the summer while shopping in the store with my sister and her 1/2 brother, who were visiting me in NYC for the first time. My friend rang up my sister, we got to talking, and BAM! We're friends now. I'm actually going to play videogames with her tonight. I'M TOTALLY PSYCHED. It was really important to me to have a female friend to play videogames with. I don't want to explain why that is here, so all you need to know is that it was critical to my self-care practices. - Geek cred PART 2: I'm going to Comic Con in NYC in October, which falls perfectly after the POC Zine Project tour! This will be my first time attending purely as a visitor - NOT for work. I've done that before (for MTV). That was sorta fun, but definitely not the same as being there on your own and doing whatever you want. - Foster Parent 'ish: As many of you already know, I began planning to adopt a teen in early 2011. In June of 2012, I completed all my foster parent requirements for the state of New York and passed my home study. This was over a year in the making, so it's a very significant milestone for me. I also created a Tumblr to document my progress and future updates, which you can access here: . This is my activism and it's also my life. I don't have a child with me yet (you can find out why on the Tumblr), but I know it will happen soon and in the meantime I am keeping busy with everything else in my life. Reading all of that back just made me both very happy and incredibly tired. These events reminded me of other events - not as awesome or pleasant - that I've had to deal with this year. Well, you have to take the good with the bad and unfortunately (I think this really sucks, honestly), you do most of your growth in response to tough situations. THAT SUCKS, MAN. ;) But I have grown, I have ... Anyway, I need to go get this mifi device activated for the POC Zine Project tour, so I better jet. ... I must note that blogging again initially felt awful but now that I've read this, I'm glad I took the time to share.Related Articles
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