The art of perseverance: don’t forget your network

"On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow." - Friedrich Nietzsche "Slaying the dragon of delay is no sport for the short-winded." - Sandra Day O'Connor "The miracle, or the power, that elevates the few is to be found in their industry, application, and perseverance under the promptings of a brave, determined spirit." - Mark TwainWhat do the quotes you just read have in common? All of them are awesome but none of them talk about the importance of having supportive people in your life as a key to successful perseverance. I call bullshit on that. For me, perseverance is something you do best with the support of a network and building a "perseverance network" into your life is much easier than you think. Science has proven that "chronic over-secretion of stress hormones adversely affects brain function, especially memory. Too much cortisol can prevent the brain from laying down a new memory, or from accessing already existing memories." What this means is that when you're stressed -- the time when you really need to persevere -- it can actually be pretty frackin' hard to succeed at persevering. If you're having trouble recalling a time when you persevered for inspiration or comfort, or if you're struggling with processing your own thoughts, persevering can seem like the most unattainable thing in the word. Enter your network to tag team into your stream of churning thoughts and help you make some sense of it. Who is this network? In my case, it's a combination of IRL and online friends. If I'm struggling with a problem (and depending on the urgency to solve it), I'll focus my energy on making a list of five people to approach who can share some insight into the situation. It's far easier and more productive to think of five friends, peers or acquaintances who can help me than to agonize over the same string of thoughts with no end result in sight.
You don't have to go through it alone...
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